English explanation of Drost Families Worldwide
Welcome at the Drost Family Homepage. On this site Dutch will be the regular language. Here we will explain what you can find on this site.
First of all you find here some information about the “Studiegroep Geslachten Drost”. This is a group of people with the family-name “Drost”.
The “Studiegroep Geslachten Drost” began its work on the 18th of januari 1992 by some people with only in common there familyname: “Drost”. They didn’t know eachother. During the first meeting some people seemed to belong to the same family. Nowadays the total number of members of the group is about 115 people and more members are welcome!
All members receive 4 times a year a booklet “Mededelingenblad van de Studiegroep geslachten Drost”.
So far we know at this time there exists about 25 different families Drost in the Netherlands with relatives/ancestors in Australia, Canada, Danmark, France, Germany, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States.
The objectives of the studiegroep are:
to collect as much information about all the families Drost in the Netherlands and abroad.
to publish four times a year a booklet with information and the progress of the activities of the Studiegroep.
to organize meetings for the members
to publish a book of “Drost” the so called “Drostenboek”.
Here you can download two documents with further information.
If you want to know more please contact us by E-mail.
If you have any questions, please send your email at: sgdATdrost.ws
(please change AT in @)